15 Jun 2020This is about 15 years late, since everybody just uses social media nowadays, but I've got a blog now. Welcome to my new blog. Maybe now, after being online for five years, this website will finally gain some valuable content.
Of course, using one of the many existing blogging engines would be easy
and sensible, so I made my own. Some optimizations are still required, but
it is now at a point where I can describe it as "good enough" and feel
comfortable making it public.
I have worked on it very … sporadically
for a while now, I want to finally use it instead of just wasting
time building it. Waiting for everything to be perfect would just lead
to it never getting completed.
Expected Content
Surprising to nobody, this is mostly going to be about
technology. Maybe there will be the odd post about houseplants or whatever
else I come up with, but most content will probably relate to technology in one
way or another.
The goal is for this to be an outlet for ideas, thoughts, and opinions, just like
any other generic blog.
Posting Frequency