
Category: Linux

Update: scp uses SFTP now


In my first "real" blog post, I was looking for an alternative to the scp utility. The authors had described the SCP protocol as "outdated, inflexible and not readily fixed" and recommended switching to alternatives like rsync or SFTP.

In the years since I made that post, the scp utility was switched to the SFTP protocol. OpenSSH 8.7 introduced experimental support, and since OpenSSH 9.0, released on 8th April 2022, scp uses SFTP by default. The old SCP protocol is still available via the -O flag.


Watching Nextcloud with inotify


Sometimes, I want to dump a file into Nextcloud and have it automatically appear on a website. Since Nextcloud is hosted on my NAS at home, while the web server runs on a VPS in a datacenter, the files will need to be copied over.
How could this be done?
In this post, I am using inotify and rclone to implement what I want.

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Total Combined Size of a ZFS Snapshot


Since I started using FreeBSD and ZFS last year, I've always wanted to recursively determine the total space used by a snapshot. After recursively taking a snapshot, the used space can be displayed on each individual dataset, but not all at once.
Now, I have finally found a solution and made a shell script.

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rsync, scp and trailing slashes


rsync could be an alternative to scp, but its questionable behaviour around slashes may be an issue.

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